This Happy B-Day balloon gift set bouquet arrangement is the perfect birthday gift to send a loved one. The base is 3 feet tall and the balloons are are attached a 7 foot curling ribbon. This balloon bouquet arrangement masterpiece will last 3 to 4 days if used indoors and not recommend for outdoor use.
Pricing if for 1 custom balloon gift display that we will create using 2 to 3 colors of your choice. The design will be made similar to the picture or upon your request we can create a unique design too.
This custom balloon arrangement contains the following balloons and a few other balloons that will give this arraignment an extra touch.
Happy B-Day 2 Piece Banner foil balloon color options are silver or Gold, the letters are 9 inch tall.
3 balloon bouquet with 3 helium filled latex balloons each that are 11 inch treated to last 2- 3 days.